Tu voluntad Bodas simbólicas


Give me the opportunity to create an special and unique ceremony, just as your love story. ❤️ The ceremony is that incredible moment to aloud yourself to feel love, support, peace and gratitude. Also you can confirm the decision to share your life path. Here are some rituals that can be included: -Sand ceremony -Handfasting -Quartz ceremony -Four elements -Wine ceremony -Candles -Cacao ceremony

Services Offered

Wedding ceremony (1 hour maximum) that includes: -Pre wedding Zoom meetings -2 rituals -Materials for the rituals -Organization of the people that will have participation on the ceremony (if applies)

Tu Voluntad

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Av Paseo del Riscal No. Ext. 6
Vicente Guerrero,
Zihuatanejo, Guerrero

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Queer Weddings Mexico